He appeared sad when Kent had to return to the Dewdrops. Shelby told Kent to fight bad guys leading to Kent being an adventurer and defeating the Rat King. Kent is Shelby's little brother, so they are close. Kent was born when Shelby cut off his lower body while dancing.

He is an actor in both of the movies Jake attempts to make in "Video Makers" and "The Pit." In the episode "My Two Favorite People" Shelby gives Jake helpful advice. Jake and Shelby are friends since he lives in Jake's viola. After Finn lost his forearm in " Escape From the Citadel," Shelby was seen crying, and curled up on Finn's leg to comfort him. In the episode "Video Makers," Finn formally refers to him as "Shelby, the worm who lives in Jake's viola." Though in the episode "Mystery Dungeon," he actually talks to Finn as a friend. Finn remarks to Jake "I can't believe I just believed Shelby just because he is a nerd" to which Jake replies "I know, it's all in his tone" suggesting that Shelby has a tendency to pass off incorrect information to people because he says it in way that makes people believe he knows what he talking about but really doesn't.įinn and Shelby are friends. When Finn tells the Water Nymphs they were looking for their Sea Lard to prevent him from dying because he is a "stenohaline fish," they tell him that a Sea Lard is a mammal.

However, in " Beyond the Grotto," it is shown that Shelby's knowledge is fallible, as Shelby makes a long-winded statement about a Sea Lard being a saltwater fish, referring to it as a stenohaline fish, a very specific marine biology term. This is also shown in " Don't Look" as Finn sees Shelby as a nerdy bookworm type. Shelby appears to be a highly intelligent, caring individual with a sense of humor for the most part, often imparting common-sense advice and knowledge to Finn and Jake. However, in " Skyhooks" and the Elements Miniseries, Shelby takes the appearance of/is a candy gummy worm. However, unlike the other worm characters, Shelby more closely resembles an earthworm in color and shape.